GET-together seminar with Yann Robiou du Pont on 15.04.2024

Yann Robiou du Pont

The Sustainability Transformation programme area is happy to invite you to a GET-together lunch seminars during 11:00-12:00 on Monday, 15 April by Yann Robiou du Pont. The seminar takes place at Ellen and Axel Lunds Hus EAL-H007.

How to assess the fairness and ambition of climate pledges of countries, cities and businesses under the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement requires all countries to pledge emissions reductions of the highest possible ambition and that reflect its equity principle. How can we translate equity principles accounting for countries’ historical responsibilities and financial capabilities into an ambition assessment of their pledges? Which countries should be contributing more to emissions reduction and international financial support?

Beyond countries, what can be expected or required of cities and private entities in the transition? 

Here we will see how scientific studies can help assess which countries and non-state actors are falling short of doing their share of the Paris Agreement and how they can be brought to do more through diplomatic pressure, regulations and court cases.


Yann is a Fulbright and Marie Curie researcher at Utrecht University where he quantifies the fairness and adequacy of various actors’ contributions to  the climate transition. He addresses the question of what are fair emissions reductions and financial contributions from businesses, national and subnational actors to align with the Paris Agreement mitigation goals. 

His work is published in high-level journals (Science, Nature Climate Changes etc.) and informs governmental emissions targets (including the UK), international negotiations at COPs and court cases against governments.

Aside from academia, Yann has worked with diplomats from the EU and 58 vulnerable countries in their campaign on climate justice, written scientific reports for courts in several climate litigation cases against countries and an oil company, including before the European Court of Human Rights.